The documentary "Leaving Neverland" sheds light on the harrowing experiences of two men who, now in their thirties, bravely recount their childhood abuse at the hands of Michael Jackson. What stands out as particularly tragic is their delayed acknowledgment of the abuse they endured, only feeling safe to speak out after Jackson's death.
This delay in recognition and disclosure is unfortunately common among male victims of sexual abuse. Many young men carry a misguided sense of blame, often internalizing thoughts like, "I should have fought back." Even as adults, they struggle with the belief that they should have been able to stop the abuse, reinforcing the harmful stereotype that boys and men must always be strong and in control. It often takes years for these victims to realize they were powerless children targeted by a manipulative predator.
In some cases, the situation is further complicated by feelings of shame stemming from the mixed emotions associated with the abuse. Some boys may have experienced physical pleasure, which creates a barrier to disclosure, fearing they would be blamed or punished. Allegedly, Michael Jackson exacerbated this fear by manipulating his victims into believing they would face severe consequences, including incarceration, if they revealed the abuse.
Despite the significant strides made by the #MeToo movement, male voices remain conspicuously absent. While statistics suggest that one in four girls and one in ten boys are abused, it is likely that the numbers for boys are underreported. Sexual predators rely on the societal expectation that "boys don’t tell."
In my practice, I have encountered numerous men who were abused as children. Often, it is their spouses who encourage them to seek help, particularly when the abuse has impacted their sexual health and relationships. Childhood sexual abuse can profoundly affect an individual's sexuality and libido, leading to issues such as diminished sexual desire or, conversely, hypersexual behavior.
If you or your partner is grappling with the aftermath of abuse, know that help is available. Dr. Barbara Goschi specializes in addressing these complex issues with compassion and expertise. Reach out via email at or call (312) 595-1787 to begin your journey towards healing today.